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Lend the hand to the Newcomers

Magnolias invites you to participate in "Lend the hand to the Newcomers", a FREE comprehensive program of 12 sessions offered to women who have recently arrived in the United States:

  1. Mentoring

  2. Workshops

  3. Support net

  4. Activities focused on counteracting the anxiety or depression that may occur when leaving our country of origin.

​You will also participate in enriching outings and meetings with other Hispanic women excited to meet you and support you!

Before filling out the form, please consider the following:


The program is IN-PERSON and in Spanish. It will be held at the Goodwill Employment Center in San Ysidro (630 Front St, San Ysidro, CA 92173) on Wednesdays from 9 am to 12 pm starting April 2, 2024. As it is a COMPREHENSIVE program and for your own benefit, it is necessary attend all 1 2 sessions ; After 3 unjustified absences, dismissal will be generated.


Thank you very much for filling out the interest form. It will be a pleasure for Magnolias to help you feel better in this stage of adapting to your new life.

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